5 Star Inspection Services for Pittsburgh and the surrounding areas!



  • Home Inspection

    At 5 Star Inspections, we’ve spent the last 10+ years providing home buyers, sellers, and realtors with high-quality, professional home inspection services throughout Pennsylvania. Regardless of who we are providing service to, our mission is always the same: to provide valuable insight and peace of mind. During each inspection, we assess every main system of a home from the roof, foundation to the ventilation system and electrical components.

    A visual inspection of the:

    Structural Components, Roof, Attic, and Insulation, Exterior, Interior, Plumbing System, Electrical System, and HVAC System

  • Termite/ Wood Destroying Insect Inspection

    Termites are one of the most common of all the wood destroying insects. They pose no direct threat to humans or animals and don’t transmit disease. However, they are dangerous pests due to the structural damage they can cause and the results can be very expensive if left untreated.

    When termites enter structures, they do so silently and without warning. They may not be easily noticeable and are extremely popular under buildings where a homeowner does not often visit.

    We schedule and utilize a local pest control company who performs the inspection in conjunction with other services we provide. If any visible signs of wood destroying insects are discovered, the appropriate entry will be made on the Wood Destroying Insect Report (WDIR). Any visible damage caused by wood destroying insects will not be documented on the WDIR as the pest control company is solely looking for infestation and not damage.

  • Radon Testing

    Radon is an odorless, tasteless, invisible, and radioactive gas that comes from the natural breakdown of uranium. It’s usually found in igneous rock and soil, but in some cases, well water may also be a source of radon. Radon seeps into buildings through cracks and crevices in all types of foundations. Radon entering buildings can build up to high levels, and prolonged exposure to radon is known to cause lung cancer. According to the EPA, radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer next to smoking. Roughly 22,000 U.S. deaths per year are attributed to radon exposure. So, it’s important to test for radon to remediate the problem, if necessary, to protect your family.

    Testing is the only way to know a building’s radon levels and levels can vary widely from one building to the next even on the same street. We only use calibrated continuous radon monitors that produces a professional report on the day the test is completed.

  • Mold & Air Quality Testing/Inspection

    Mold growth is generally the result of moisture caused by water leaks, continuous moisture seepage, and/or elevated humidity. Mold can be damaging to the building’s structural components resulting in very expensive repairs and can also affect a person’s health. The mold type and its potential health effects can only be validated by mold testing. Seeing a substance that is black in color, for example, does not confirm the substance is “black mold” or “toxic” mold (Stachybotrys for example).

    Air quality testing is the best way to identify if an elevated mold condition exists within a building. An elevated mold condition can exist even when mold growth is not visually seen, and can often go untreated. Mold spores that are airborne can pose the same health affects as visible mold growth.

    Inspections include an examination of the dwelling for visible mold growth and conditions that are conducive to mold growth and/or the reduction of air quality. Mold and/or air quality samples are sent to an accredited laboratory for analysis. Clients receive the lab report and separate company report with pictures (if applicable) and recommendations.

  • Septic Dye Test/Inspection

    Septic systems are used when centralized sewage treatment plants are not accessible in a community and are usually a permanent solution to wastewater treatment and disposal. Contrary to popular belief, septic systems are not maintenance free. They must be properly used, operated, and maintained by the homeowner to assure long-term performance. Money that is saved by not paying a monthly sewer bill should be set aside for regular inspections and maintenance. We schedule and utilize a local septic inspection company who performs the inspection in conjunction with other services we provide. The local inspection company performs the inspection within the scope of the

  • Well Water Testing

    Well water testing is not state regulated and is often forgotten by the homeowner. Is testing important? Absolutely!

    Well water can become contaminated by chemicals generated from industry, agriculture, and well misuse. Most of the possible contaminants are not detectable by sight, taste or smell. While some contaminants may only be a nuisance to laundry or household fixtures, others may be health related such as arsenic, high metals, nitrates and nitrites, and/or radon.

    The EPA recommends annual testing and we offer basic and extensive water testing. Water samples are analyzed by an accredited lab and a professional report is sent to the client after analysis.

  • Sewer Line Scope/Inspection

    Using specialized camera equipment, we offer advance knowledge of the building’s main sewer line condition. Our Inspectors insert a flexible rod with a specialized high resolution camera into the sewer line’s accessible cleanouts. A real-time image transmission allows the Inspector to determine the condition of the line’s interior to understand any existing or potential problems.

    So, why is this inspection important? Main sewer lines are entirely hidden from view and are known to have hidden defects such as offsets, root intrusion, blockages, breakage due to heavy equipment, and deterioration that cannot always be detected by simply running the water. Repairs can be very costly as excavation of landscaping, driveways, and/or sidewalks is very common when replacing defective lines.

    We always recommend this service especially during real estate transactions as repairs can be very expensive.